Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness. A true friend will always be there for you in times of trouble. This doesn't mean that they will always be there for you like you want them to, but a true friend WILL be there.
A person with a small heart will only have time and room for you when you, yourself are happy, while a friend with a great heart will know when you are in trouble, and will seemingly run to your aid.
Friends are always willing to accept you for who you are, and where you are in your life. Without judgement a friend will help where they can, and without condemnation a friend will help to gracefully lift you up from whatever ditches that you may find yourself caught in, driving through this crazy thing that we call life.
Remember to check to see who is around in the hard times, when you are down and out make note of the friends who stick by your side, because these will be your only true friends when you are back on top again.
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